About Us
AccuWeather®Global™ is a further step in our drive to provide to the worldwide Internet public a simple way to hire the most trusted name in Weather services.
Telemet, Inc. was founded in 1988 with the purpose of providing AccuWeather® weather services to the international market. Since then, Telemet has grown and diversified into different areas. The Weather Division of Telemet provides specialized AccuWeather® services and products throughout the World. Our customers include the media, Internet, utility companies, and a wide variety of other industries as well as individuals.
AccuWeather® supplies weather services to over 75,000 commercial customers around the globe and offers information in a wide spectrum of formats.

Solutions for media help you create valuable advertising inventory while maximizing your audience.
Television / Internet / Newspaper / Radio / Digital Signage / Wireless

Utilize our forecasting products to guide you in planning for the future impact of weather on your bottom line.
Agriculture / Construction / Energy and Utilities / Forensics / Recreation / Retail / Transportation

Ensuring the safety of the public is your first job when severe weather threatens, and Telemet provides the products you need to do the job and stay in budget.
Parks and Recreation / Emergency / Transportation

Schools keep students and staff safe with accurate and dependable severe weather warnings and forecasts.
Warnings / Curriculum Tools / Weather Discovery